The brothers Hamza and Ahmed should have been given help


So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses Aftenposten writes 30.04.20 "The last few years, the number of young" in Oslo, norway more than doub

So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses Aftenposten writes 30.04.20 "The last few years, the number of young" in Oslo, norway more than doubled. For a couple of years ago had the Oslo police with a list of 38 young people, all with at least ten criminal offences each. High up on the verstinglista thrones two brothers. Together they have been reviewed 136 times".

Kids ' no-go-zones Comment

According to Aftenposten, they have beaten other children, robbed young people with a knife, exercised violence and threatened miljøarbeidere and police officers. Boys have cost over 20 million just in the institution places, measures, juvenile detention center, and attorney fees.

Behind this bleak the statistics is there much suffering, both for the boys themselves, the family and the many victims of the boys ' actions.

Doctors experience these young people as frightening and as uimottakelige for other help than to be locked inside. This is not correct. As psykologspesialister with many years of experience with the treatment of youth who exercise violence, crime, antoine and have large family and social challenges in addition to skoleproblemer, we know that they could have received help.

inflammatory and in fact unnecessary, that the boys and the family could not have gotten better help.

Impressive mobilization among the Norwegian-somalierne Leader

In a collaboration between the National development center for Children and Young people (NUBU) and the State Child welfare (Bufetat), is that over the decades built up the treatments with a documented effect on among other things, crime, violence and substance abuse in adolescents. Creating change through working with the youth, family, school, friends and networks.

In these treatment services work a hundreds professionals with expertise in helping families where the youth displays very challenging behaviour. Most young people are struggling also with the trauma and other psychological problems in addition.

paradoxical that measures are in all of the country's barnevernsregioner, but not in Oslo – where the need is greatest. Oslo municipality has actively chosen the sidelines, and to a large extent based on the measures without solid documentation of the effect for these youngsters, rather than methods with international and national research studies as a basis.

such a thing would never have been accepted in other sectors.

- I mean everything about the corona Comment

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