The association, love marriage or forced marriage?


to Undertake, it is often associate. Choose partners, manage the relationship, get the best and also put an end to it. Isabelle Guyomarch is passed through it.

to Undertake, it is often associate. Choose partners, manage the relationship, get the best and also put an end to it. Isabelle Guyomarch is passed through it.

The association : love marriage or forced marriage ? Nothing to see ? Not so sure... If we exclude the aspect of ritual or religious, marriage is defined as a union contract, with unlimited duration, recognized and supervised by a legal institution, which determines the terms and conditions. A commitment to "the life", for a common vision, this and build.

In business... pragmatism, first and foremost !

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If I have no certainty in regard to marriage, in entrepreneurship, I am certain that you need to be pragmatic and ask the question of why ?

The why of the association plays a critical role in the relationship between partners.

When the association is chosen, desired, based on complementarity, let's say the early days are idyllic. If the skills are complementary and well defined functions, the "small business" turns. Each partner plays the role assigned to, and invests in the creation, recovery or operation of the company.

This period of "honey moon" is in my opinion dangerous because it can lead to forget to put in place contractual relationship and its terms, including those regarding a possible separation.

The Anglo-Saxon countries are far ahead of us in this area : none relationship with them begins without considering the end in a very precise way. Large companies are also much better armed, so that associations of persons are more common in the TPE-SMES : these are essentially made up of associations of physical persons.

When I bought it back in 2008 the Group CCI Productions, I have based the relationship with my associates on the trust and the respect but also and above all on a strong covenant partners.

common Interest and individual interests : the eternal struggle

Because I already knew that the honeymoon would not last necessarily. Of course, it is especially in times of crisis or when it is necessary to take the strategic decisions the relationship between partners can tighten dangerously.

Clearly, it's the money which reveals the true differences between "associated with" and not the toothpaste tube not plugged".

When, in 2013, I've fought an aggressive breast cancer, I nearly lost both life and my business.

I fought for two. I know this may shock put on the same plan the life and the work, the experience has taught me the difference... of course, the illness or death of a partner are humanly dramatic.

But it is also a test of great danger for the company, since the partners, suppliers, customers, all have the same concern : "My business will she suffer the consequences ?" ask they.

The competition is not insensitive, it's bad for you, it is so it's an opportunity for them, business is business...

And then, the real interests of the individual as well as the true human nature emerge.

I fought to keep my business and for my freedom. The ability to take risks, to not give up ! That of a head of business first and foremost and not a simple associated.

The partner is also a shareholder...

in The broad sense, a partner is a person who is a member of a company and has acceded to the contract of the company.

In fact, he is also a shareholder of the company, holder, therefore, a part of the common good.

If we can dream that the marriage lasts forever, it is a decoy in the field of business. Everyone should be able to regain his freedom when he wishes, but without putting in danger the life of another and especially the longevity of the company. Like any separation, it is more or less painful and expensive.

With a cancer, everything has become complicated. It was impossible for me to find the money to buy back the shares of my partners. The insurance companies specialized refused my file ; that I'm still alive in seven years, it was "statistically" impossible for them, too risky.

The insurers don't like risk, surprising for companies whose job it is to cover...

trapped, it took me a year to find a solution and to separate myself from my associates. Free, I picked other... my daughter Lisa, in 2015, then his sister, Cecile, in 2018. The transmission family has saved my business.

A member, of associated... a single boss

The partners share common views, common goods, common interests, profits. But a company has only one boss, whether he is its founder or acquirer, regardless, he is the one that vibrates for her.

It is in that sense that it recognizes, this leader willing to take any risk for her...

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"The courage to say, is an asset in business" Entrepreneurs, if they stop to say : "I'm not doing this for the money," "fear, an ally for the entrepreneur"

It is my intimate conviction.

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