The assisted contracts, jobs kleenex of the national Education?


at the end of summer, around 68,000 people working in schools to support children with disabilities or on positions of administrative assistance will be assiste

at the end of summer, around 68,000 people working in schools to support children with disabilities or on positions of administrative assistance will be assisted contracts. Precarious jobs that do not fulfil their mission of integration.

For two years, Maeva took care of children with disabilities in an elementary school in Seine-Saint-Denis, as an auxiliary of life school. A very good experience for this young woman, 22 years old, but that has been stopped in its tracks last may because of his status : expired, his contract of accompaniment towards employment (CAE) did not permit him to be recruited on this post. Maeva has yet had an opportunity. "My adviser has suggested me to continue in high school or college under the status of AESH (with disabled children), but it does not interest me. It is a different world. I wanted to work with children with disabilities at a young age," explains the holder of a BEP in health and social careers.

Fill needs in schools

The contract of accompaniment towards employment (also called CUI-CAE) is the only contract that helped used by the national Education ministry. The 2nd half of 2016, 67 800 positions will be occupied in the schools in this form. For unemployed people with "special difficulties of access to employment", the contract helped subsidized by the State and prescribed by Pôle emploi, lasts a maximum of two years, except for disabled or elderly people over 50 years of age, who may see their contract extended. These contracts are all part-time: 20 hours per week, paid at Minimum wage.

Their interest for the government is twofold: it enables to decrease unemployment, while completing missions in the schools. As Maeva, the majority of them occupies, part-time, positions of the auxiliary school life, to accompany, in the classes, children with disabilities, a legal obligation since 2005. Others work as assistants administrative managers of schools, especially in kindergartens and primary schools.

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"The job helped fill huge needs, so that the budgetary resources are lacking," said Matthew Brabant, secretary national of the CGT Education. "These personal fulfil missions of general interest, assist on administrative tasks, the wide-ranging, but are not classified at fair value", admits Sébastien Sihr, the former secretary-general of the Syndicat national unitaire des instituteurs professeurs des écoles (SNUipp).

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the jobs are "kleenex", a judge or a former school director, now retired to that the personal recruited from the single insertion contract are subject to various disadvantages. According to a study by the Dares, dating from 2014, all employees hired in the CAE in the schools "are less likely to be in employment six months after their release from contract" that the people [with the contract] working in communities or associations." What to do, then, after a CAE? "I know a auxiliary of life school, which has been integrated to the city as an animator. Otherwise, these mothers return to their homes," said Lilia Ben Hamouda, director of a nursery school at Stains (Seine-Saint-Denis) and the delegate of the SNUipp.

Lack of training and monitoring

in Addition to a lack of opportunities, support during the contract is also a problem. In a report in April 2014, the general inspection of national Education note "of the tasks with very low value-added, very distant ambitions, training and integration constitutive of these contracts". "Institutions, strong of the experience of recent decades, have become accustomed to the idea of seeing them disappear and they are organizing themselves so that their departure does not disturb them", note the authors of the report.

Jennie can testify to that. Hired as administrative assistance for two years, she has especially made for the educational assistance. His contract came to an end, the young woman wonders about its prospects. "This experience has nothing to do with my profile. I have not touched a single time to a computer. How to convince an employer to recruit me if I have not done typing mail?", describes the holder of a professional degree "tertiary sciences and technologies".

The training effort is another debate. The law provides for, according to the post, between 80 and 120 hours, including training of' adaptation to employment" and "employability" to bounce back once the contract is completed. But they are considered to be very insufficient by the interested parties. "The training is theoretical, it does not meet our needs. The first year, they have been with 50 people in a room, with speakers and testimonials on the attention disorders. The following year, they proposed to me exactly the same training. I would have preferred to learn sign language or have to practice on the software to help students on the computer," said Sylvie, auxiliary school life in the Hautes-Alpes. "I was offered 30 hours of training to pass the competitive examinations, but I have not given result. The number of hours is inadequate, and I don't have the time to follow it because of my family obligations," says Farida*.

* The name was changed.

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Finish the supported contracts, place it in the "Course of employment" skills-assisted Contracts: employers will be "selected" by the government Of subsidised jobs... but in the service of sustainable employment 32 000 jobs created soon

on The 19th may, François Hollande has announced the processing of up to 56 000 assisted contracts in 32 000 new posts AESH (with disabled children) over the next five years. This public law contract to full-time lasts six years and includes the possibility of being appointed on a permanent basis. Pending budgetary commitments more precise, the new gives hope to those who want change in the schools.

* The name has been changed.

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