Sparebank1 facilitate islamophobia and hatred


TV-tip that takes you on holiday In finansieringsportalen the reverse share that are owned by Sparebank1, collect Lars Thorsen funds to "safety".

TV-tip that takes you on holiday

In finansieringsportalen the reverse share that are owned by Sparebank1, collect Lars Thorsen funds to "safety". Thorsen is the chairman of the islamofobiske the group "Stop islamization of Norway" (SIAN). The last few weeks have more activists and customers of Sparebank1 complained to the reverse share, they have reported that the collection is for a different purpose than that stated, namely, to curtail the muslimers freedom in Norway.

Sofia Rana, a Former union representative, and now organized in Kabinansattes association Show more

This is the feedback that Sparebank1 not seem to take seriously. In what seems like a form letter, respond finansgiganten among other things, the following: "We follow Norwegian laws, and if an organization is defined as legal by the Norwegian authorities and the collected money to a legitimate purpose, is spleisen basically allowed".

It Sparebank1 not seem to understand is how such a indifferent attitude to complaints, based on fear seems loathsome and frightening to those of us who are their customers and have a muslim background.

Umar Ashraf, Organized in LO-NTL Show more

it is not so that the money is collected for a lawful purpose, and you don't have to dig far down in the history of innsamleren to understand that they have a non-inclusive agenda, and has been arrested for having gone to the attacks on minorities.

For example, Thorsen arrested after having sprayed a 16-year-old in the face with forsvarsspray. About the 16-year-old said Thorsen "He was the lucky one that got to go home with his teeth in a plastic bag". Thus, it is this type of actions and attitudes that Sparebank1 and choose to associate with. It is this they call for a "lawful purpose". It can also be added to that Thorsen is convicted of hate speech.

Farukh Qureshi, Organized in LO, and the head of the Oslo fengselsfunksjonærers association. Show more

What guarantee have Sparebank1 and that the money goes to the purpose for which given, and what it means? The way we see it, facilitates the for that such as us will be further marginalized, and that islamofober become financially strengthened.

Sparebank1 and Splice.en are going to have to take a real cleanup of their guidelines. An organization is, so to speak, never declared illegal by virtue of being registered in the brønnøysund register centre. It is the actions, and the hatred that SIAN promotes which is illegal according to the Norwegian court. And it is this which must be the guiding principles for what type of actors and people who Sparebank1 want to adopt – and who they choose to ban.

It must also be completely legitimate to exercise judgement in such situations, and not have a rigid approach to their own policies. Financial businesses take to becoming a verdistandpunkt and makes ongoing assessment associated with corporate social responsibility, and Sparebank1 is no exception. Maybe it needs a feature like this to that the management is involved?

In a time where actors as LO and IKEA takes a clear distance from the racist statements, we hope Sparebank1 also manages to do just the same. Although we are organised in the LO, and have our insurance in Sparebank1 through arbeidstakerforeningen. We follow the excited with about Sparebank1 will now take a clear stand against islamofobiske and racist groups.

the Way we see it, we can't be customers for a business that chooses to indirect support, are associated with, and arrange for financing to environments that seek to do us harm. And we're talking enough not only for ourselves, but a good number of muslims, and a number of antirasister who make use of their services.

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