Retirement : the parents of three children will cringe


The fathers and mothers of many children today benefit from an additional 10% of their pension. This bonus may be lower tomorrow. Explanations. In the controve

The fathers and mothers of many children today benefit from an additional 10% of their pension. This bonus may be lower tomorrow. Explanations.

In the controversial draft pension reform, a measure seems to be unanimity : the increase in pension to the mother or the father from the first child. Today, only the parents of three children and each benefit from a revaluation. It is 10% for pensioners of the general scheme (employees in the private sector or agriculture), farmers or the self-employed, for example. It is 10% also for the father or the mother, officials and parents of three children, but 15% if they have had four : since there is an additional surcharge of 5% per child beyond the third for officers of the public service.

Tomorrow, the bonus granted as today in the retirement - would be 5% per child, 10% for two children, 15% for three, and so on, without that no boundary is, for the time being, mentioned. Parents will be able to choose the one of two in which this increment will be awarded or the share before the four years of the birth or adoption of the child. If they choose not to choose, those rights will be automatically assigned to the mother.

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For Jean-Paul Delevoye, open this kind of markup as the first child is a "major advance for women, penalized at the time by an average wage or lower, and a career more often choppy because of the support of the children".

the "margin"

According to the Institute of social welfare (IPS), which reviewed the report of the High commissioner for retirement, this new device however, there is an effect "at the margin". In most situations, the device is more family-friendly compared to the current situation, but it penalizes some families with three children, in particular couples in which the amount of retirement pensions are respective is the same.

For example, currently, if the father and the mother can both claim to€ 2,000 per month pension, the increase for the three children allows them to perceive each€ 200 pension every month (10% x 2000€), or a total for the torque of 4800€ (2400 € per year x 2). Tomorrow, with the future universal system of pensions, only one of the two parents will receive this surcharge. It will be higher for the single parent who will benefit from it (in this example 15% x 2000€, 300€ per month), but, in the end, the couple does not receive more than 3600€ per year, a shortfall of€ 1200 compared to the current situation.

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For 3000€ amount of pension deductions, the difference between the current system (3600€ per year increase x 2, that is 7200€) and the future system (15% x 36000€ gross, that is 5400€) is even more important : not less than 1800€ per year. It is only beyond that, where the amount of the pension is higher, that, in view of ceilings on existing (2071€ per year and per parent Agirc-Arrco, for example), the device Delevoye becomes more interesting.

A significant financial burden

"At a time when public authorities seek to promote the equality of men and women, this edge effect does not lack of surprise," says Bruno Christian, president of the board of the Institute of Social Protection. According to him, there must be 'a kind of bonus" on the 3rd child. But, he adds, what is annoying is that it has not "weighed the risk. It has not costed the proposals".

today, these increases represent a financial burden : for the single general system, this device has, for example, cost more than 4 billion euros in the past year and was concerned with no less than 5.5 million people, with an average of 68,80€ per month for men (which the basic pension is higher) and 54,30€ per month for women.

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Because it is larger and more redistributive than today, and because he is going tomorrow to benefit more parents, the future device called important questions : how much will it cost and, most importantly, how will it be funded ? To limit the drift to the budget, the 5% increase be capped at a certain number of children, for example, or from a certain level of pension ? As many of the responses that the social partners will have to find during weeks of consultation ahead.

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