Rage against Rowling is scary


Therefore, you should see these musical masterpieces for decades have generations of children, and a good portion of the adults, sat in reverent silence and

Therefore, you should see these musical masterpieces

for decades have generations of children, and a good portion of the adults, sat in reverent silence and read or listened to J. K. rowling's books about the wizard Harry Potter. Now the author greeted by a roaring crowd with virtual torches and høygafler, many of them adult versions of the children she once enchanted. This weekend has Rowling been the subject of a storm without equal, after that she came with the statements on Twitter, which many perceived as condescending and hateful towards the transgender. Readers write that they think it is disgusting to think that they ever liked her books. "Public hatred that your tweet puts my son's life in danger", writes another. She is called pussy and hurpe.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError "SECRET" CHILDREN's book: In an interview with CNN reveals the 'Harry Potter' author that she has written a children's book that probably will never be released, but that can be read in a dress. Video: CNN Show more

So just what was it Rowling wrote? First, she was critical of an article that referred to "people who are menstruating", instead of just calling them "women".

When she had reactions to this, she replied: "I respect any person's right to live in any way that feels authentic and comfortable for them. I would have marched along with you if you were discriminated against because you were trans. At the same time my life has been shaped by the fact that I have been a woman. I don't think it's hateful to say ... If gender is not real, there's no sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. If gender is not real, is the experienced reality of women all over the world wiped out. I know and love transgender, but to erase the concept of gender removes the opportunity for many to describe their life in a meaningful way".

It is not especially promising for the debate about gender and sexuality when a woman says that she would demonstrated against discrimination of transgender, being accused of being hateful towards the same group. But already has an article in Vanity Fair stated that rowling's messages was "transfobiske", and actor Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter in the movies based on rowling's books, have gone out and taken away from her and said that "transkvinner are women". The furious backlash against Rowling is to make it virtually impossible to have a nuanced discussion about how the community will be when the concept of gender has become more fluid and diverse than just a few years ago.

always lived people who have not found themselves in such a simple dichotomy as "man" and "woman", who have felt that they belonged to a different group than the one they were born into, or a place on the axis between the male and the female. But in societies that have seen the dichotomy as the only right and natural, there has been no room for those who do not fit into its allocated box.

They have been met, and meet still, with bullying, oppression, discrimination and violence. But when society becomes more open for people to be able to change gender or live according to a different identity than the biological, there is a new, challenging problems.

The gender you belong is a biological, sociological, psychological, and cultural questions. It's all about what organs and chromosomes you are born with, and it's all about how you perceive and present yourself in the face with the world. For many of those who now rages against J. K. Rowling, it is the latter that counts. If you feel as a woman, and presents you as a woman, you should be treated as a woman in all ways and in all venues. The biological side is immaterial.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError AFRAID OF NARROW PLACES: When J. K. Rowling wrote the first book about Harry Potter, she was not aware of why she placed him in a closets under the stairs. In retrospect, she learns why. Video: CNN Show more

Others will argue against that if you have the bodily characteristics of a man, you can't necessarily drop in on the places that have been reserved for the women: do you Have male sexual organs you should not zone in kvinneavdelinger in prison, you have male musculature should you not compete in kvinneklassene on idrettsstevner. Against this will transkvinner be able to point out that they will be more homeless and vulnerable in the places that are reserved for men.

Feminists have argued that it is to be born into a female body makes you especially prone, has not wanted to open all their rooms for those who were born as men, and who do not recognize this female body as equally fundamental to one's identity. The last is the reason that one of the skjellsordene Rowling has been met with, TERF, which stands for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist".

Rowling has probably not always been so sensitive in these issues. When she previously enjoyed a tweet that talked about transkvinner as "men in dress" and it came to a predictable and understandable reaction. She supported Maya Forstater, the british woman who lost the job after the intended public that a transkvinne cannot describe themselves as a woman. Forstater put for the day an absolute vision in a debate that needs more, not less, finfølelse.

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But for the who takes on the exhausting job it is to scroll down tens of thousands of tweets that tells her how reprehensible Rowling is, it is more striking how strong the forces working to take a complicated debate and make it simple, and to say whether a meningsmotstander that she did not disagree, but hateful.

the Aggressiveness against those who are not readily identifiable as men or women, are strong and prevalent. In many countries and cultures are sexual minorities vulnerable to persecution and violence. It is about to do to build a broad alliance against these currents. This is an alliance for all those who believe that people should have the right to live out their identity as they experience it, even if they don't agree about what it has to say for thinking and the conversation about gender, sexuality and feminism as such, and it is discouraging to see how many people try to make the alliance a little, and string club for the retttroende.

For J. K. Rowling to appear not as if she is angry at or afraid of transgender. The real hated is a large, dark, and dangerous things, and it needs as much opposition as it can get.

- Never talked about that I have survived the abuse

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