Professionals have a great responsibility


TV-tip that takes you on holiday Sexolog Reed take a day writing in the Newspaper Magazine about a woman who while growing up had some thoughts about gender

TV-tip that takes you on holiday

Sexolog Reed take a day writing in the Newspaper Magazine about a woman who while growing up had some thoughts about gender and gender roles, but as "got to be who she was". We believe it is positive that a diversity of people with different experiences share their thoughts on gender, but there are some things we react to in this text.

It is not desirable to criticize or question this woman's very personal experience of knowing the feelings related to gender roles and gender in general, but we will nevertheless point out some potential misunderstandings that can be read out of this story.

Heading "She did be that she was" can contribute to concern about that the woman who is referred to in the text would not have had to be as she was if she had grown up in the day.

This expresses also the woman concern for the: "She often think of what would have happened if she had been young in the day. She had been 'born in the wrong body' and got hormones because she would rather have boy bits? Been put in the queue to kjønnskorrigerende operation?"

It can be easy to worry when one reads the many texts which discusses the kjønnsbegrepet, seeing that there are more transgender, which is visible, and read the texts that there is an increase in people applying for kjønnsbekreftende treatment. It is very human to wonder how this will affect an even. The answer to that is: Probably not at all.

Transgender has existed for as long as kjønnsbegrepet have it, without that it has affected those of us who are ciskjønnede. (To be transkjønnet means that one may not identify themselves as the gender one was assigned at birth. To be ciskjønnet means that one identifies as the gender one was assigned at birth.)

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There are no the movement who are trying to convince someone that they are trans. What we want is that those who are trans to get help to get the treatment they may desire, and be accepted by the outside world as they are. The fact that more transgender treatment, is just a good. This leads to a better quality of life for 98 percent.

We wish that a sexolog not only relayed the concerns of this person, but black on them, that it is positive that there is a greater headroom for a diversity of ways to do sex on in the day. We are less bound by gender roles (although there is still a long way to go before we are free from them), and there is more room to live in line with their own identity across standards.

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Research shows that under 2 per cent of those who have undergone kjønnsbekreftende treatment, to undo this treatment. This figure has remained stable even though the number of persons who received such treatment has increased.

This suggests that there are not too many who receive treatment. Of those who regret, there are many who state that they do it because of the transfobi and stigmaet that comes with it to be trans.

take a day type: "Admittedly, she is a woman who rarely dresses up in dresses, using little ornament, and still like many of the 'gutteting', but just as fully a woman. She tells that everything fell in place eventually – but it took time." Many use the time to find out who they are. (Someone changes the perception many times in the course of your whole life, without that there is a problem.)

For us sounds like this story is completely normal, and we hope that the woman was reassured for his unfounded fear of to should be defined as something she is not, or to receive the treatment she is not wanted or needed.

When take a day printer as she does, one can get the impression that too many receive (or almost imposed) treatment in Norway. Such is not the reality. On the contrary there are many which are rejected, and not get the treatment they want and need, with serious consequences. This is documented again and again in the Norwegian and international studies.

There are not any, either organisations or practitioners who would like to make some trans. Transkjønnet is not something you become, not by breaking with kjønnsnormene or by meeting a transgender.

In the text it is also that the woman thought, "she is convinced that in our pursuit to create a diversity, we have lost something – namely a bit of freedom to be what you objectively are born as, even if you subjectively do not feel, dress, ter you completely 'correct' with respect to your biological sex".

We believe that it is quite the opposite. At the same time as those of us who are trans in to a greater extent can get the treatment they are entitled to, then widen the understanding of gender and diversity in identity and gender expressions.

Both transgender and cispersoner have more room to express your gender today than 50 years ago. Sexologists and psychologists with expertise on gender can help people to become confident in their identity, whatever it may be.

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the Professionals have a great responsibility for what they signal with the statements, and can create very much anxiety and doubt in the children, young people and their parents.

There is no excuse not to be up to date on the latest research about transgender, and the actual conditions for transgender in Norway, especially not if you speak in public.

We believe that the time to think binary about gender, that there are two sexes with corresponding sexual roles that are opposites of each other, is over. It does not mean that the trans - or ciskjønnede who consider themselves 100 per cent man or woman, should not be allowed to do it, but that it shall become even larger space for people to define themselves and live in accordance with it for those who do not.

Children who have questions around gender and sexuality, to get answers to their questions. To get information about the many opportunities that exist, but they should also, of course, challenged, at the same time that they are supported and faith.

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