One system - two worlds


5 children's audio books that rescues the summer If someone have been in doubt; the riot police in hong Kong struck with brutal force from day one, yesterda

5 children's audio books that rescues the summer

If someone have been in doubt; the riot police in hong Kong struck with brutal force from day one, yesterday, 1. July 2020. It was the day when what was left of democracy in hong Kong died, on the 23-year day for when the british gave back its colony hong Kong to China under the condition that the thriving financial centre in East Asia should be a democracy in 50 years, i.e. until 2047. The slogan for the political construction was; one country - two systems. And the reality of the two systems was all the time that they are worlds apart. So, it is with dictatorship and democracy.

the telltale blinking red Comment

It got hongkongerne seriously mark yesterday. The new laws that were adopted in Beijing on Tuesday, giving the riot police in hong Kong all the powers to beat down the opposition. All visible opposition is now prohibited, after students have demonstrated against the local administration, which is beijing's stråmenn, in more than a year. Wednesday morning used the police water cannons against protesters and more than 180 were arrested. The elected Lee Chuek Yan dragged brutally down from a podium in the centre, and the journalists who were present were attacked with pepper spray. A man with the old koloniflagget was among those arrested.

< p> it Was then it clicked for Trump? Comment

new laws from Beijing has been named "National sikkerhetslover". The switch for the first firm that people from hong Kong can be tried in Mainland China. It is a crucial point, for the demonstrations that started last year, started just because of the local administration in the town opened for the extradition of the suspect - in reality political activists - the legal system in Mainland China. But after the large demonstrations of last summer, had the city administration go back on his decision. Now open the new law again for delivery to Mainland China.

the Laws are distinguished they at the same time is both broad and vague. Secession, subversion, terrorism and cooperation with foreign powers, kriminaliseres after the new laws, and can lead to livstidsdommer. But what is detachment, subversion, terrorism and cooperation with foreign powers? To show off an old koloniflagg affected obviously by the sections of the detachment. To ask foreign powers to impose sanctions against the authorities in hong Kong or Beijing, because of the new laws, may be affected by sections about subversion. And to stop the public transport such protesters did with success in the last year - victim of terrorism-sections.

the Bolt that can rivet Trump Comment

the Laws also opens for that chinese national security forces - now also with the law in the hand can operate in hong Kong, and have immunity from local law. The new law also opens for greater control over non-governmental organisations and the hong kong media. And the new laws do not distinguish between locals and foreigners. It can mean that foreigners can be sentenced in the political process. Both hongkongere and foreigners should also fit his mouth when they are travelling. What you say abroad, according to the new laws be used against you when you put the legs on hong kong soil.

the Laws seem not to have a retroactive effect, as some have feared. It means that dissidents, who in the days before the new laws came into effect, dissolved their organizations, in principle, shall not be prosecuted if they do not commit new crimes under the new laws. There is no reason to criticize the opposition who raised the white flag for not meeting the new time as a purely suicidal project. Many of them continue anyway as the activists, but without a formal organization in the back.

Holiday-in-Wonderland Comment

An era is over, 27 years before it was supposed to be there, according to the agreement with the united Kingdom from 1997. When hong Kong was restored to China, had the chinese economic miracle for the seriously begun, and hong Kong should be the financial engine in the moderniseringsarbeidet. The belief was that China, which had chosen a market economy, should be much more open and free. That the economic choice China took, also had to lead to political freedom.

Now have China in the far gone past their economic expectations from the 1990s, while the communist dictatorship is retained. Other cities and regions in China long time ago more important as financial centers than hong Kong is. Xi Jinping will discipline hong Kong in the same way as he, with a brutal hand disciplines throughout China. And he has after all to judge nothing more to lose on to discipline the oppsternasige hongkongerne than to get to an easy diplomatic breeze as after all judging will soon blow over, or drown in it trumpske the chaos in Washington.

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