Now we will tell our stories


TV-tip that takes you on holiday A journalist from Dagbladet contacted Facebookgruppa Life with Osteoarthritis and sought-after experiences from the combinat

TV-tip that takes you on holiday

A journalist from Dagbladet contacted Facebookgruppa Life with Osteoarthritis and sought-after experiences from the combination of osteoarthritis and exercise, and be happy with vektnedgang, for an upcoming article. The question was angled in such a way that it was clear that it was only the success stories that were wanted.

We react strongly on vinklingen and lack of nyansering in the article that was published 18. July. It seems that the journalist is satisfied with one solskinnshistorie. We also see that the Newspaper in general seem to like articles with happy stories about artroserammede that avoids surgery.

We can't speak for everyone in the group, but it's clear that many share the same experiences. It is great that the lady that came with its history, has had a positive development, and many probably have the same experience as her. But now we will tell our stories. We have done the same job, but not got the same effect.

Avoided osteoarthritis-operation Dagbladet Plus

Many live daily with osteoarthritis and pain, and is as active as they can. But for many increases pain regardless of activity. The mobility becomes gradually smaller, so that it is difficult to do the exercises the physical therapist recommends. Activity and exercise can help to maintain motion, strength and provide pain relief to muscles, it is we agree, but it is very individual. Many must instead of, or in addition, use strong painkillers to get pain relief, even after the operation.

We agree that it is positive with vektnedgang if you are overweight. But many people with osteoarthritis are not overweight. And being overweight is not only a cause of osteoarthritis, and not all obese get osteoarthritis. Some develop osteoarthritis at a young age and is normalvektig when they get the diagnosis. The predominance often comes later. Those who have severe degree of osteoarthritis in weight-bearing joints receive more pain of the movements, regardless of whether they are obese or slim.

The best treatment against håndartrose Dagbladet Plus

Those with severe degree osteoarthritis have probably tried most of the recommended exercises with varying degrees of result. They also have probably tried out different diets, different therapists, minerals and vitamins, acupuncture, medications and cortisone shots. Some are waiting for the research to conclude, while the others try willing out the non-documented methods that stamcellebehandling.

Fatigue can also be essential for the activity level of the individual. Someone has to distribute the energy to get the everyday life to go up, and prioritize activities hard. Some are fatigue and the pain aggravated by exercise, and they spend several days in recovery. Osteoarthritis is mostly an invisible illness that few understand the consequences of, and artroserammede be interpreted as lazy. This is not the case! Artrosepasienter is just as diverse as all other groups of patients.

We want Dagbladet shows the other side of the medal too, not just solskinnshistoriene. Sensasjonspregete articles helps to stigmatiseringen. And this applies not only artrosepasienter.

the Way the different patient groups are received in the health care sector and the media, is also stigmatizing and helps to maintain stereotypes in the society. The obese is met with "it is only to slim down"; migraine sufferers get to hear that it helps with fresh air, and pain patients are told that pain is not dangerous, even when you're not able to function in everyday life just because of the pain.

the last thing they need is health care, and media contributes to stigma and belittle the pain that many anyway have to live with after having tried all, surely well-meant, advice. And does not the advice has not tried hard enough, or are too lazy!

New artrosebehandling: - Extreme improvement. Plus You can submit your article and opinion piece in Dagbladet here

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