Melkereklame is no safe source of knowledge


TV-tip that takes you on holiday Tanja Kalchenko View more Nina Johansen Show more Around 80 percent of norwegians eat harmful much saturated fat, and dairy pr

TV-tip that takes you on holiday Tanja Kalchenko View more Nina Johansen Show more

Around 80 percent of norwegians eat harmful much saturated fat, and dairy products, followed by red meat, is the main source of this. Only 15 per cent of us eat enough vegetables and fruit. We in the association Health care provider for the plant-based diet ( believes that this is a problem, and we work for that norwegians should eat greener, and replace part of the dairy and meat with healthy plant foods: fruit and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts.

It is therefore not true, so Ida Berg Hauge by meieriindustriens pr-organ suggests (DB 27/7), that we do with "scare tactics to promote a vegan diet".

Fear is unfortunate, but it is now time to take a debate and make changes in the Norwegian diet.

Little boy drinking milk. The Glass of milk. Melkeglass. Thirst. Blonde. Quench trsten. Healthy. A boy with a glass of milk. Photo: Frank May / NTB scanpix NB! MODELLKLARERT Show more

A large folkehelseundersøkelse from 2019 shows that a typical western diet will take per day more lives than tobacco smoke. Folkehelseinstituttets report from 2018, the burden of disease in Norway, shows that unhealthy diet is the leading cause of both disease and premature death. A more plant-based diet can provide better health and save norwegians for billion annually, according to the ministry of Health.

Should children really drink cow's milk? Debate

It is rather we do not driver propaganda or creates fear and confusion, something Berg Hauge is concerned – here she should get our own house. driver with the generic meierireklame with the authority of the omsetningsloven from 1936, and its purpose is to promote turnover. They have spent tens of millions of dollars on. Fear to get too little nutrients and get sick without cow's milk, is hardly created without the contribution from the meierireklamen.

If dairy is such a good source to iodine so Berg Hauge says, how is it that 80 per cent of Norwegian pregnant women gets too little iodine? It is only ten per cent of the norwegians who have cut out dairy products from your diet, so their surveys. The incidence of osteoporosis and related bone fractures is high in Norway, despite high intake of dairy products.

Creates fear and confusion Debate

And what does it help that Berg Hauge framsnakker low-fat milk, when this is made by fat skummes from cow milk? When some choose lean dairy products, who will then eat up the fat that is left? There are probably those who listen to the, on their websites framsnakker cheese as a health food.

Generic melkereklame, something driver with, is neither the gift to the public health or safe source of knowledge. Dairy products is today the main source of saturated fat for norwegians, but has neither managed to protect against thinning of the bones or jodmangel.

Why should all , especially doctors and [url = kindergarten staff, put themselves into the science and read This type of melkefritt and plant-based diet, on the How can we combat the myths and confusion around food, something that stands in the way of greener and healthier diets, and better public health.

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