Listen to the activists, Erna


TV-tip that takes you on holiday Sunday wrote Civita-director Kristin Clemet in Aftenposten about how the market economy is not must be rejected, but improve

TV-tip that takes you on holiday

Sunday wrote Civita-director Kristin Clemet in Aftenposten about how the market economy is not must be rejected, but improved. A free and well-functioning market is not a deregulert market, but a market that is regulated smart, and good.

She had hardly the Instagram account "My Drittleilighet" in mind. But it was still there my thoughts went when I read Right-ideologen Clemet write about the need to regulate the markets smart.

This spring in the summer of the account has shown how the housing market for those who rent housing often is. Mold, dust, broken glass and other unworthy conditions on the one hand, uproffe landlords, high prices and "hook-regulation" on the other.

the Activists behind, which also has since "Reduce husleia" on Facebook, nearing 13 thousand followers on Instagram, and have managed to create an important window into what is happening in the rental market.

the Conditions in the rental market is to scratch her head. Norway is one of the world's richest countries, and we are also not afraid to spend the money we have on the property. Both politicians and the population has added honor in that we are going to stay well.

Yet the rental market a recurring verkebyll. The country around is the lack of council housing. Studentboligene is and will continue to be offered to a small proportion of the students. Discrimination of ethnic minorities and other groups in the open market is a problem as old as the market itself.

And so it is all drittleilighetene, then.

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The dominant reason that the rental market is not working well enough is the leaning maktforholdet that occurs. On one side sits the landlord, who is resourceful, knows the rules well and have a safe and good existence, even if the rent should fail a month or two.

On the other side stands the tenant with hat in hand, often with one or more of these characteristics: do not Know their rights well enough, are young, have no good basis for comparison or experience in the rental market, has a small network, has no other places to stay, have relatively much to lose to move or end up in dispute with the property owner.

It is not difficult to see who has the upper hand.

The leaning maktforholdet is the samfunnsøkonomer call a markedsfeil. One party sitting with so much power and information that an unregulated market does not necessarily provide the best outcome. With the help of different regulations, taxes and fees, one can ensure a better outcome.

Many countries have tried to regulate themselves out of trouble with leiemarkeder with high prices by introducing prisreguleringer and other complicated constructions. It is not necessarily the solution for Norway.

despite The fact that it does not work well enough, the work of the Norwegian rental market is also pretty good for very many. That we have allowed relatively free prisdannelse and a large proportion of private actors has done that we don't have extreme boligkøer, as in our neighbouring countries.

Solution Norwegian rental market located in the Clemet points out: Smart regulations and enforcement of these. The state must give the power back to tenants.

A start would be to make the housing market more professionally, for example by tightening the tax benefits for the small landlords. It will make it easier to keep the brands and corporations accountable.

But a market only composed of great and professional landlords are not saliggjørende without better regulations, including Dagens Næringsliv revelations about the Heimstaden (Fredensborg) have shown.

We must learn from the crisis Comment

Therefore is also a review of the regulations in the rental market, so that one is sure that a utleiekontrakt come with warranties of good and safe housing conditions.

And one must come up with better tilsynsløsninger to enforce these better. Many of the worst dritteilighetene is not a result of bad regulations, but that they that are present cannot be enforced. The terms of trade are met simply do not. You don't get what you are promised.

It may not be up to the free rettshjelps organisations and Leieboerforeningen alone to clean this up. The government must on the path.

the Activists behind the "My Drittleilighet" requires that husleia be reduced and that the rental market should be regulated better.

To literally lower the husleia will be difficult without subsidies and higher a faster development pace. But a better regulated market will give those who have to rent housing more for your money. Some far more for your money.

in The autumn the government has announced a white paper on social housing policy. It can be their opportunity to fix the rental market. What can they do on the market's terms, only they are listening to Kristin Clemet.

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