Insulation work : with what to begin and what time of the year ?


This is a fact, the better vautréaliser the insulation work at the right time to keep a maximum of comfort, and to optimize the time of implementation. It is po

This is a fact, the better vautréaliser the insulation work at the right time to keep a maximum of comfort, and to optimize the time of implementation. It is possible ! It explains you. The spring : spring season is ideal for your insulation work

the return of The beautiful days sounds the beginning of the renovation works simple and energy-efficient renovation for your home. It is neither too hot nor too cold. You will not have to suffer or even suffer from the extreme temperatures of the winter and the summer. Neither you nor the professionals that you choose to call. Another benefit of the spring of non-negligible : the days lengthen and therefore allow to enjoy natural light for longer.

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What insulation work undertake in priority ?

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The attic as well as your roof should be at the top of the list ! And for good reason ! The roof of a house or the ceiling of a top floor apartment let to escape 25 to 30% of indoor heat in the winter and create a temperature increase in the summer. A heat loss which directly impacts your comfort and convenience as the occupier, but also your energy consumption, and this, throughout the year ! Keep in mind that a roof or attic poorly insulated constrain you to heat your home in winter, but also to make it work even more to your air conditioning in summer. The roof insulation can save you up to 30% savings on your energy bill and greatly increase your comfort daily.

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After the insulation in the roof, think about the walls and on the ground

The wall insulation is the second step of a home where life is good. If they are poorly or non-insulated, they can let out 20% to 25% of interior heat in winter, and penetrate as much of the hot air in the summer. The poor insulation of the walls prevents the homogeneity of the heat in the habitat, which may cause sensations of cold and drafts. Finally, in order to enjoy all year round comfort, finish up your insulation by the soil. You are perhaps not aware of it, but it represents up to 10% of the energy losses from your home.

Practice >> Simulate your eligibility for insulation for 1 euro Auchan

The fall, the season of relief for the insulation work

If you have not been able to achieve all of your insulation work during the spring months (march, April, may) rest assured, the fall is equally suited for your renovation project or energy optimization. Provided, however, that these are completed before the winter. You'll avoid the feelings of discomfort and boosterez your energy savings from the beginning of the cold season thanks to a reduction of your heating needs.

How much does the insulation work ?

it All depends on the type of insulation work that you will undertake. For attics with blown wool, the implementation can take only a few hours. While to an outside insulation, it takes on average three weeks for a house of 50 square meters, if the weather allows.

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