Ice cream, scramble with a sunny outlook back up after a lean spring


For about a thousand Dutch ice cream, it was the moment a tight spring, but the ice cream makers can be very creative with the work, and that's for the future,

For about a thousand Dutch ice cream, it was the moment a tight spring, but the ice cream makers can be very creative with the work, and that's for the future, may have substantially greater revenue. That said, Teun Loonen, chair of the Association of Traditional IJscentrum (VAI), in discussion with the

"We have seen a tremendous growth in the home-made ice-cream for thuisconsumptie," says Wages. The ice cream makers are out there, according to the ijsvoorman in the past period of time, to an increasing degree on the work "as a creative solution to the loss of business caused by the restrictions".

soon after the outbreak of the COVID-19 in the Netherlands are advised by the industry trade association, ice-cream parlors, the doors, all the way to the exit. The streets were empty," says Wages. After the doors had been opened, they have the range. "With the sale of the home-made ice-cream, in baking and also pastries."

And consumers will know which ice-cream to be found. "We hope, therefore, that it is here to stay, as it brings in substantially more revenue, which allows the industry to good use." The ice cream makers you have to be in the spring and summer, and it needed meat on their bones to grow in order to get through the winter.

the Supermarkets like the local ice-cream

"We can see that supermarkets are interested in, and the ice cream from the local ice-cream shops, want to sell it. So the prospects are very good, and if the coronamaatregelen continue to be relaxed all the way."

The ice-cream parlours, with only a window to have less rules than the other organisations in your sector that also have a seating area where customers can have a coupe of ice cream and can eat it with a cup of coffee. "In cases with only one case, the turnover is more or less similar to that of the previous year. For the larger cases, it remains to be seen whether or not the damage can be reversed," says the president of the GO.

In many cases, the different items with the same name. "We have about a thousand ice cream parlours, and there are hundreds of artisan ice-cream makers." The number of ice cream parlours over the past few years has greatly increased, but there is an end, come to think of Wages. "The netherlands is well covered, the market becomes saturated."

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