Have slept in an hour


Not like other realityshows Some have slept in an hour. Good sleep is the simplest, most obvious and probably most important grip we can take to take care of

Not like other realityshows

Some have slept in an hour. Good sleep is the simplest, most obvious and probably most important grip we can take to take care of the brain. But in the ministry of Health's large-scale initiative to improve the hjernehelse – National Hjernehelsestrategi (2018-2024) – excluded sleep and søvnhelse.

It may seem as if the authorities think that what happens during sleep is of no importance for hjernehelsen:

- You have the (brain) with all over the place. It is when you're chasing yourself and the kids out the door in the morning, when you cut purreløk and pekefingre at the kitchen table in the afternoon and when you stumble towards the bedroom a little too late in the evening, says health minister Bent High in the introduction to the National Hjernehelsestrategi.

In the strategy describes the responsibility that falls to the first - line and spesialisthelsetjeneste to ensure good hjernehelse – including the prevention and treatment of psychiatric and neurological diseases. In all of these areas play sleep is a huge and important role!

We sleep a third of our life. What happens during sleep that is so important that evolution favors this condition of unconsciousness and forsvarsløshet?

Søvnprofessor: how To fall asleep you fastest Dagbladet Plus

Later, years of research have documented søvnens importance for brain function: it makes the brain able to accept new information during the day, and has great significance for the følelsesregulering, and cognitive functions as concentration, learning and memory. And not least is the brain's cleaning system more active during sleep, and counteracts the buildup of a protein linked to Alzheimer's disease. the

Persistent sleep disturbances in childhood is a risk factor for mental uhelse. Sleep problems occur at all the psychiatric disorders in both adults and children, and the treatment of søvnproblemene can provide faster recovery and prevent relapse. Dagsymptomer of søvnsykdommer can be confused with mental illness.

Something of what we today treat as ADHD, anxiety or depression, can be the expression of a søvnsykdom. Disturbances of sleep are present by the majority of neurological diseases – the complex interaction of søvnfremmende and våkenhetsfremmende mechanisms can be disturbed by diseases or injuries. Malfunctions do not switch off simultaneously with the light on your bedside table!

sleep deprivation weakens cognitive functions such as concentration, problemløsningsevne and memory, and this contributes to a more difficult life for patients with neurological and psychiatric diseases. The treatment of sleep disorders will therefore be able to better function and quality of life in neurological and psychiatric patients.

that our key and leading helseaktører missing focus on sleep, can have serious consequences far forward in time:

In the national guidelines for helsefagutdanningene sleep is not nevntI specialist for doctors is that, with few exceptions, not learning outcomes or course related to the sleep/søvnsykdommerRettighetene to patients with søvnsykdommer is not described in the national prioriteringsveiledere or in pakkeforløpUtrednings and monitoring capacity and expertise within søvnmedisin is variable and in many places unsatisfactory

Health officials: Wake up! A national strategy to better hjernehelse must include the sleep and søvnhelse. Knowledge about sleep and søvnsykdommer must be ensured, the capacity of the søvnundersøkelser developed, and the assessment, treatment and follow-up of søvnsykdommer must rettighetsfestes.

Little sleep can damage your brain. Plus You can submit your article and opinion piece in Dagbladet here

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