Form when there is unemployment: four financial aid employment centre


job seekers are not eligible to take the ARE and/or help with ancillary costs (transport, catering, accommodation) can still perceive a certain aid of Pôle empl

job seekers are not eligible to take the ARE and/or help with ancillary costs (transport, catering, accommodation) can still perceive a certain aid of Pôle emploi. What is their amount ? How do I get it ? What you need to know.

job center can fund, under certain conditions, vocational training or aid the search of jobs needed to return to employment. Attention, unexcused absences for training sessions are subject to deductions proportional to their duration.

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1. The compensation training employment centre (CSLR)

job center may pay in some cases (via the ASP / Agency and payment services) compensation of the internship to the job seekers who are not or no longer eligible for the ARE or to the ASP (allocation of professional security) the day on which they enter into a training subsidized by the job center or in a training prior to recruitment.

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It rises in lump sum to 652,02 € except in some cases. It is calculated on the basis of salaries received during the 6 or 12 months if you have a disability warranting a period of paid activity. It is a lesser amount for first-time claimants of employment (period of activity earlier than 6 months):

130,34 € for children under 18 years of age; 310,39 euros for the 18-to-20 years; 339,35 € for the 21 to 25 years; 401,09 euros for over 26 years.

The remuneration is paid by Pôle emploi monthly in arrears (for a full-time training), or by a minimum period of 40 hours if it is part-time training. The claim for remuneration is done during the registration of the training advisor job center. It is taxable as the AER (allocation of return to employment). The job seeker benefits from social protection and coverage for accidents in the workplace/commuting accidents.

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2. The mobility support

Pôle emploi can fund, under certain conditions, an aid to mobility costs (where the training takes place more than 60 miles round-trip from the place of residence), meals and accommodation are the responsibility of the applicant for employment when it follows a training in the framework of the personalised plan for accessing employment (PPAE).

The recipients of a CSP (contrat de sécurisation professionnelle) may also be entitled to the mobility aid.

The amount of aid to mobility

shipping Cost : 0,20 € per km from the 61st km, multiplied by the number of miles round-trip. No proof is necessary. restaurant Costs : 6 € per full day of training, if these costs are not borne by the training organization. No proof is necessary. hosting Fee : 30 € per night. This allowance is not granted when the compensation of costs of transport are assigned. Hotel bill paid to produce.

The total amount of these mobility aids , all types of coverage combined is limited to 5,000 euros per year and is not taxable.

The award of this aid is not automatic. The application to the job center must be made at the latest within one month following the start date of the training.

3. The Allocation of aid to return to employment training (Aref)

The Aref is provided for the job seeker who perceives the AER (allocation of return to employment) and following a prescribed training by Pôle emploi within the framework of its PPAE (personalised plan for accessing employment).

The gross amount of the Aref is equal to the gross amount of the ARE that the unemployed person perceives. But contributions levied on this amount are not the same for the Aref to the AER. The Aref is exempt from generalized social contribution (CSG) and the contribution had the repayment of the debt (CRDS). It is charged that the participation to the financing of the supplementary pension on the amount of the Aref.

the net amount of The Aref may not exceed 20,54 € per day and is taxable. It is paid monthly in arrears, within the limits of the rights remaining to the AER on the eve of the entry into training. The periods of payment of the Aref are deducted from the duration of the rights to the REO. Therefore, if the duration of training is less than the duration of the rights remaining to the AER, the job applicant benefits from the AER at the end of his training (the rest of his rights). If duration of training exceeds the duration of the rights remaining to the AER, and if the rights to the Aref are exhausted, the job seeker can benefit, under certain conditions, the remuneration of the end of the training (RFF or R2F).

4. Using the VAE (validation of acquired experience)

Pôle emploi can provide you with assistance if you want to engage in a process of VAE, whether you're compensated or not. You must have proven professional experience or bénévolat minimum of 3 years in connection with the certification referred.

It is an average of 640 € per beneficiary, but the amount of support can vary according to the qualification. The scale of support is defined at the regional level.

This aid covers all or part of the registration fee to the certifying organization, the financing of the accompanying benefits (including the costs of meals, travel and accommodation), the financing of the activities of validation per se (formation expenses of a jury, travel, copying, postage), training costs in the event of partial validation.

This article has been updated to the 18/01/2016. Mr. B.

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The aid paid by the Pôle emploi can come in co-financing from other funders (including the Region). The advisor can inform you.

This article has been updated to the 18/01/2016. Mr. B.

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