Facebook need to address the problems


Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands Chief of Facebook in Norway, Rune Paulseth, went high on the track earlier this månenden. In a Facebook post, he s

Kredittgjeld? This will save you thousands

Chief of Facebook in Norway, Rune Paulseth, went high on the track earlier this månenden. In a Facebook post, he stated that "Facebook will not accept hate speech".

It had earned Facebook-the top honor if he was more humble in the platform challenges. Not surprisingly, the harvested Paulseth strong reactions to their post afterwards. It comes among other things from the several that responds to the way the facebook page "Sørlandsnyhetene" has left its mark on the public debate in Kristiansand.

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the Paulseths initiatives was a campaign where the big advertisers boycotted Facebook, with the goal of getting the platform to turn harder on the hatprat and the proliferation of "fake news".

Paulseth avfeier the issue. In an e-postsvar to nyhetsnettstedet Medier24 he writes among other things: "We have rules that protect against hate speech, and that do not allow people to express their contempt for others based on their personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, race or religious tie-in. But when it comes to statements, which is aimed at someone's behavior or ideology, we allow a wider debate".

Expression to have wide frames. What is Facebook's dilemma is that they both want to be as open arena as possible, at the same time that their huge position have made it clear to them that they need to feed the platform with stricter limits and constraints. Recognition has come in line with revelations that the platform has been used for a series of conscious desinformasjonskampanjer, which in the outermost consequence may affect the outcome in what should be a free and independent choice.

There are hardly any more serious accusation that a site or a communication platform may be subject to.

Facebook has taken a number of grip in order to counteract this, but it has not been done enough. With approximately 3.5 million users in Norway and 2.2 billion worldwide, the level of activity is massive. The same is the turnover and the profit, at the same time as the company has only paid less than 3 million in taxes to Norway in 2018.

the Question is why the company can't use more resources to be available to the public, so that modereringen of the content can match the huge publiseringstrykket.

In the meantime, it will just as much be a threat to the quality of the public debate, as a contributor - so the platform can be at its best.

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