Enterprise and training: Yes to the law Work, but let's go further!


To our contributor and former proviseure Nelly Guet, the reform of the labour code is a first step, but it is in the continuous training that future workers wil

To our contributor and former proviseure Nelly Guet, the reform of the labour code is a first step, but it is in the continuous training that future workers will find tools to cope in a world of employment is undergoing profound change.

When Andreas Schleicher, in the early 2000s, has dared to criticise the educational system of Germany, the educational settings have been challenged. But little by little, the governments of the 16 Länder, in competition with each other, have made major transformations, notably by granting more autonomy to schools. Sixteen years later, Germany succeeds where France fails. Currently director of education at the OECD, Andreas Schleicher, recently spoke with as much tact as possible on our shortcomings: "It would appear that the system does not understand the needs of the company."

What will happen to his observation and his advice for France? The law El Khomri could provide the French an opportunity to ask the right questions on employment, competitiveness, and their corollary, the training of young people.

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However, everything happens as if the French were to be kept in a state of ignorance to developments in the economy and society, as if one was trying to prevent them from understanding the connections between the life of the enterprise, higher education and secondary education, in order to preserve an established order for fifty years.

"A degree should not decide a lifetime"

These watertight bulkheads allow the French school system to be running on the spot, when he is not declining, and vocational training to remain opaque and incomprehensible. In its synthesis report of February 2015, the OECD revealed a considerable gap between the average age of French people from 16 to 65 years in higher professional education - 22 years old - and one of the other 15 countries studied: 37 years in the netherlands, 39 years of age in Finland. Another finding highlighted the fact that, among the French aged 16 to 65 whose highest level was a vocational training of high school level, only 14% were in higher vocational training, compared to 31% of Dutch and 43% of Germans. Gold remember, it was in France that is born the concept of "permanent training"!

what this interested in-t-he reform of the labour law as it appears in the draft bill El Khomri? Is it not absurd to fight the cap of allowances prud labor for those who have stayed more than 20 years in the same company, at the time the prospective studies we demonstrate that the two million young French people who are neither in school nor at work, nor in education or training, will have to learn different trades and need to be trained for occupations that often do not yet exist? The School 42 founded by Xavier Niel is to talk about it beyond our borders, and rightly so!

Those who go with a best baggage from their output of the studies will not be provided, such as their parents or their grandparents, a job supposed to be to life and giving rise to significant compensation in the event of termination of employment. Let us turn our gaze to the future. Let us stop to consider that a diploma obtained at the age of 22 years must decide of a lifetime.

Two million jobs in the non-filled in Europe

according To the association " Think Young, the current situation in Europe - and still more to come - is alarming due to the imbalance between the needs of the employment market and the skills of job applicants. If 74% of education officials believe that students get out of their training have the skills necessary for the jobs offered in the Twenty-first century, only 38% of students and 35% of firms are of this opinion. The competency "problem-solving" class to young French people in the last position in the comparison with their european neighbours.

The demand for scientific professions and technology is expected to grow by 13% between 2015 and 2025, as well as that of the related professions 7%. Two million jobs are unfilled in Europe, in particular through the lack of skills in these areas. Is there any need to recall that the survey Pisa 2012, the OECD has revealed that 18% of young French of 15 years do not possess the basic skills in science, results comparable to those of students of Italian and Hungarian?

Companies and schools need to "co-develop" the training sessions

In France, the project El Khomri can affect change on the short term and the medium term, provided, however, not diluting it. But on the "time bomb", it is essential to dismantle the faster the current education system and that of vocational training, two institutions obsolete, in no way adapted to the needs of society in the Twenty-first century. Let's hope that the French politicians, when they speak about education during the presidential campaign, there will be only one word to mouth: "learning", as if it were a miracle cure to all our ills. Of course, this fix may not be enough!

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Any media, to my knowledge, are not echoed of the Conference of the Dutch presidency of the Council of the european Union, which wanted to put the focus on jobs and innovation during the first half of 2016. Three issues were addressed: the professional excellence, the training throughout the life and internationalization.

The honor is except since on this last point, it is a Frenchman, Jean Arthuis, who has taken the initiative to facilitate the mobility of young apprentices, thanks to Erasmus+, which offers a professional experience in a country other than their own. We may therefore soon hope to young Europeans, talented, open-minded, passionate about the chosen trade, aware of to change it later, thanks to the technological skills, entrepreneurial, economic, financial, but also social and personal, acquired on the field and at the school.

We can thus expect that companies and schools will "co-develop" the training, including in countries where this is not yet a reality. But beyond the apprentices, it is up to all young people, and not just the "happy few", that it is necessary to provide excellence and mobility, in order to rebuild Europe!

Nelly Guet is an expert in relationship education-business, former proviseure and author of Turn european or mirage republican? What future do we want?.

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As we have seen in Amsterdam, the training continues throughout the life must become a priority and the relations school-business need to be strengthened, for where the teaching of "dual" exists in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc, the youth unemployment is not a problem. Where the company is held at a distance from the system of initial training, not only the rate of youth unemployment reaching record highs, but the company did not play the expected role in the vocational training of adults.

Nelly Guet is an expert in relationship education-business, former proviseure and author of Turn european or mirage republican? What future do we want?.

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