Each person has their own school of engineering


You want to work abroad? Get a double degree? To study alternation? Find the hotel which meets your expectations and your ambitions. schools for geeks The

You want to work abroad? Get a double degree? To study alternation? Find the hotel which meets your expectations and your ambitions. schools for geeks

The Express

To integrate some of the engineering schools, the academic requirement is such that to have the honors to the bachelor's degree often is not enough. This is the case, for example, to join the Ecole polytechnique, in Palaiseau, or the Isae, a Toulouse: on 10 students accepted to the academic year 2015, not less than 9 have obtained honours at the examination. In addition, these schools recruit a large majority of the students from CPGE (preparatory classes for the grandes écoles), via common contests extremely selective.

>> Ranking of schools of engineers 2016: make your charts custom

The schools with the most female

The Express

These schools are more in number than thirty years ago, but, in the last ten years, their proportion has stagnated. At the end of summer 2015, about 30% of engineering schools were women. This average hides great disparities between institutions, some with nearly 80% of girls and others only 6%. A situation that can be explained by the courses offered by the schools: the agri-food and chemistry historically attract little boys, in contrast to information technology or even mechanical engineering.

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* Schools where the graduation rate in 2014 with a job in the foreign - VIE (international corporate volunteer) included - is the highest.

The trend continues: more and more engineers get their first job abroad. If the graduates of 2013 were 11% to cross the borders, they are nearly 15% in 2014.

For several years now, Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland that make up the leading trio of the favourite countries of young French engineers. Schools surf on this wave, like Bordeaux INPENSTBB or the EEIGM in Nancy.

>> in Our case: Engineers, trades, careers and salaries

schools that cater to students, from admissions to parallel

The Express

* Schools that host in the first year of the engineering cycle, in the fall of 2015, the highest proportion of pupils from a STS (section de technicien supérieur), an IUT (university institute of technology), a class prépa ATS (adaptation technicien supérieur) or the university (bachelor and master 1).

For the past several years, engineering schools, diversify their recruitment. If the students coming out of the preparatory classes have long been the majority, currently, their share exceeds hardly the 40% mark. On the other hand, holders of a BTS, a DUT or a bachelor's degree now have a real card to play: they are valued for their sense of the concrete, that they have acquired in particular during internships carried out during their training.

Some schools recruit most of their students via the admissions to parallel, to the image of the Cesi or Ensibs, the preference profiles OTC.

schools that encourage more students to study abroad

The Express

* minimal Duration spent abroad for the diploma of the engineer, whether internship or academic exchange.

more and more engineering schools include a compulsory stay abroad in their programs. When they have the choice, the students prefer an internship in a company in an academic exchange. If it is a way to discover another culture, it is also and above all an experience to add on his resume and a way to improve his language skills.

Side destinations, Western Europe has always rating, United Kingdom in the lead. The countries of Latin America, mainly Argentina and Brazil, attract more and more students. This is also the case of South Korea.

schools that promote learning

The Express

* Schools cash in 2014-2015 the highest rate of students in apprenticeship contract.

Each year, new schools open up channels for learning. At the end of summer 2015, what are the Ense3 and the Isae-Ensma who have taken the plunge. Unlike conventional supply chains, students, trainees share their time between the school and the company that hosts them. Their contract may then be learning (the majority) or professionalization. As for the students in initial training, a stay abroad is planned in their program. The addition of this formula: the monthly salary paid by the company, which also pays the cost of tuition.

schools that cater to more high school graduates STI2D

The Express

* Schools welcoming year 2015, the largest number of high school graduates STI2D (sciences and technologies of industry and sustainable development).

If 9 engineering students in 10 are still and will always hold a bac S, the high school graduates in technology have really their chances. They are sometimes given admission procedures were simplified, and certain recruitment competitions, the image of Advance, Alpha, Future, or that of the Soma, are accessible to holders of STI2D. In 2013, the contest Geipi Polytech has also opened its doors to the bins STL (sciences and technologies laboratory).

The best schools open to the BTS

The Express

* Schools welcoming in the first year of the engineering cycle, in the fall of 2015, the largest number of students from STS (section de technicien supérieur) or a pre-med ATS (adaptation technicien supérieur).

In 2015, 42% of pupils in integrated engineering cycle are from CPGE, 18.4 per cent are holders of a DUT and 5% of a BTS. Each year, the students of these two last sectors are more likely to join large schools, who appreciate their professionalism and their technical know-how, gained through an internship or a sandwich course. If the DUT remains the most popular, the BTS digs its furrow.

schools to get a double degree abroad

The Express

* the Rate of graduates in 2014 having obtained a double degree in a foreign university partner.

Attention: if the international exchange gives the right to ECTS credits, which are absolutely necessary to validate a given year, it does not lead necessarily to a double degree, that is to say, about two degrees in different establishments, sometimes with two specialties: engineer manager, engineer-architect... An option that, often, extends the length of the course at least a semester or even a year.

But, for the student, it is an interesting added value on a resume. And, if agreements are signed between the two partners, the registration fees are supported by the French institution.

schools to pursue a phd

The Express

After you have obtained their engineering degree, students will still have the opportunity to continue their education by preparing a phd thesis. For three years, they carry out a work of research followed by a thesis defense, while being paid. They then get a diploma of level bac + 8. But they are little many to choose from this demanding path: about 7.5% of graduates in 2014 have pursued in the thesis, according to the Conference of the grandes écoles.

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Among them, more than half have their doctoral degree in a university laboratory, when about a quarter prepare a thesis Cifre (convention industrielle de formation par la recherche), within a company.

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