Can you stop to cough me in the face?


TV-tip that takes you on holiday I have worked quite a few years in the dagligvarebransjen and have experienced a very lot of strange things in the course of

TV-tip that takes you on holiday

I have worked quite a few years in the dagligvarebransjen and have experienced a very lot of strange things in the course of the time. But one thing is for sure! I have never ever experienced something similar to the special situation we live in now.

More or less over night, schools closed, people lost their job and there was an extreme focus on the plot. It has now been over four months since Norway chose to shut down the community, and the country has gradually opened again.

When I have been sitting relatively many hours in the cashier at a grocery store, so does it surprise me not that there are very many people out there who do not care about hygiene and smittefare. But I've always had the impression that the people who don't wash themselves and such consisted of the minority. Today I have had enough!

After yet another day where I have been taken on, coughed on, picked up the used disposable gloves that are stuffed between the bananas in the fruktavdelinga and tried to remind customers to keep distance to me, so I feel very exasperated that it is so terribly difficult for people to use the head. I'm simply sick and tired.

We is some privileged asshole! Debate

we have been exposed to a virus that put a full stop for the world community, sent the global economy on the face and that at the time of writing has taken the lives of over 669, 000 people, so it should really not be necessary that I must ask the full adult people to please don't cough me in the face.

There are still many people who like to pay with cash, but it would be nice if you could avoid to cough on your hands before sticking her paw down in your wallet, and takes on the banknotes you wish to give me.

most stores has been equipped with plastskjold by the crates. In case it isn't obvious, so it is not there for decoration. It should protect me and my colleagues, but it helps very little when you stand at the side of it and leaning in towards me, before you kremter a little and say you're going to have tobacco.

Yes, I understand that plastskjoldet can make it harder to hear, but it is better if you speak a little louder instead.

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If you see that I stands and fill the goods in a shelf where you want to pick an item, then please do not stretch yourself so close to me I can feel your breath in my neck. I'd appreciate if you could say to me that I stand in the way. I want to be helpful and move me like.

And when you are done with engangshanskene we give you for free, so it would be great if you could cast those in one of the many bins that you find in the store. There tend to be several of those at the inngangsområdet.

One would think the people I describe here consists of the minority, but my experience is that it applies to approximately 90 per cent of everyone I meet daily at my workplace.

Many are also grumpy if I try to explain that they should put the goods at the end of the kassebåndet, despite the fact that there are posters at the kasseområdet asking your customers to do it.

Can people please be so kind to pull themselves!

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