Can the corona save the Y-block?


So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses Ingjerd Terese Skaug Robin Show more A alvorstung Picasso stretched out his hand and makes a stop sign

So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses Ingjerd Terese Skaug Robin Show more

A alvorstung Picasso stretched out his hand and makes a stop sign on the fence that surrounds the Y-block. It looks like Erling Viksjøs monumental buildings have been blindfold in anticipation of a public execution.

Lonely and abandoned occupies the Y-block beyond Akersgata and Ring 1. Betrayed by his relatives, former and current kommunalministre, in the role of Pontius Pilate. Experts from the directorate for cultural heritage to the art museum MoMA to object. To no avail. But coronakrisen has highlighted and strengthened the arguments for the Y-block's further life.

After Covid 19 sat Norway chess matt the 12 march, the government will according to the revised national budget for use 419 billion extra from its oil wealth to keep the wheels in motion. At least. Then it becomes a regjeringskvartal to 10 billion in loose change. But symboleffekten of an exclusive and brand new regjeringskvartal, in a time when all must live on the back burner, is difficult to defend.

Oslo turns – will not demolish the Y-block

the Government will have to tighten the expenses of the NAV explodes with a rate of unemployment of 8,8 percent and the tax revenues decreases. In addition, the oil revenues far lower than expected in the budget, because the price for a barrel of oil has decreased dramatically. The temperance forces, therefore forth.

G jenbruk within the design and barley have been important, because the consumption, and not least overuse, is going high up on the list for miljøsynder. In the new kulturmiljømeldingen from 17 april, the Government concludes that there is a much greater environmental benefit in the preservation of buildings than to build new.

Therefore, also revered Deichmann on Hammersborg, its old premises in the King's gate, and the Y-block, to constitute a part of an extended regjeringskvartal, together with the ministry of foreign AFFAIRS and the ministry of Defence.

In Stockholm , the ministries, for example, distributed in ten blocks and in Paris is also the various ministries scattered around the city. It is only the president's Elysée-palace, the prime minister and the interior ministry, which is collected at the Champs-Élysées. None of the buildings rises higher than the buildings around.

A regjeringskvartal where all the ministries are, in the aggregate, will require extensive security measures and will lead to the physical shielding, something that will get the government to be more distant from the people. It fits poorly in an egalitarian country where proximity to the residents value highly.

Full utblokking? 7 new ideas for the Y-block Debate

In the Kommunaldepartementets decisions on the new regjeringskvartal, all the ministries, except the ministry of Defence, into the new government headquarters. It is a massive block, even if it is somewhat scaled down from the original plan. It is unfortunate to build a mastodont that dominates the urban landscape and appreciate both the parliament, the supreme court and the castle in embarrassment. Maktfordelingsprinsippet should also be reflected in the architecture.

Y-block on the other hand get to the interaction with picasso's facade and close proximity between buildings and the public. In the same way as the popular operabygget. But the proximity and availability is the basic argument for the decommissioning of the Y-block, because it represents a security risk. An incontestable argument in the aftermath of 22 July.

It is particularly the northern part of the Y-block that is located over the tunnel to the Ring 1 which challenges the security. But one can imagine that this section can accommodate anything other than a ministry. What with moving Premises there? It will hardly be a attentatformål.

Y-block is a historic the building, which belongs together with høyblokka. While høyblokka symbolizes the united nations building in New York, has the Y-block is the same shape as the UNESCO secretariat in Paris. The headquarters ' architectural y-shape is a tourist attraction in Paris. Even without picasso's décor. In a time of martial law and a pandemic is international cooperation through the united nations and the WHO important. Symboleffekten and the association between the y-shaped united nations building in Paris and the Y-block is enhanced therefore.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError DEMONSTRATED: Many had turned up to demonstrate against the demolition of the Y block. Reporter: Knut-Eirik Lindblad. Video: Madeleine Liereng / Dagblade TV Show more

By retaining the Y-block, turns it is also a kind of architectural consciousness and good urban planning. Oslo got rudely with during the second world war, but it is the bulldozers in the period that has been incorporated in places biggest enemy. For example, the English quarter at Solli plass demolished in the 60's, to make room for two betongkolosser, which hardly can be called architectural gems.

In the eighties was the Oslo opened towards the sea and the Oslofjord was an integral part of the cityscape. Aker Mechanical Work was discontinued and verftsbygningene was rehabilitated and turned into the shopping center Aker Brygge. It was architecturally successful and good urban planning. In the same way it can be argued that it will be a good architectural grip to rehabilitate and integrate the iconic Y-block in the government district.

When both the municipality of Oslo, the directorate for cultural heritage and art museum MoMA object of the rivningen of the Y-block, it suggests that the decision about demolition is badly anchored.

Therefore, the Y-block is demolished now Comment

In the course of coronanedstengningen , many have had a home office and put in use different digital platforms to communicate and arrange meetings. Physical proximity has become less important and the argument to collect all the ministries in a regjeringskvartal of effektivitetshensyn has been weakened.

Digital meetings can go a long way to replace physical meetings, and if a physical meeting should be required, it is good for public health with a walk to another department.

It could even be that the minister with his counselors would pick up that which moveth on the ground floor. It is difficult to spot from the regjeringskontorenes the top floor. It was because of such walks that Aftenposten's former editor-in-chief Amadeus Schibsted held up well informed and took the pulse of the capital.

What is it with Norway? Comment

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