Can create discouragement among the employees


Not like other realityshows There is a surprising overtures promoted by Helsetilsynet in the Newspaper 12. June. We in the Directorate puts into question the p

Not like other realityshows

There is a surprising overtures promoted by Helsetilsynet in the Newspaper 12. June. We in the Directorate puts into question the premise for the proposed reorganization. There is further reason to ask about Helsetilsynet with such a proposal paints an unnecessarily unyansert and the negative image of child welfare.

Mari Trommald. Photo: Directorate Show more

In worst case , it can create a discouragement and demotivering among employees who do not contribute to the improvement in the quality and improvement we all want. At the same time, such descriptions over time reduce confidence in the child welfare and raising the threshold for those who need it seek help.

There is also reason to remind that the reorganization is a strong and demanding instrument that does not without further ado is the solution when not everything works quite as it should, and which should be justified well and set clear direction.

Let me be clear with a time that Helsetilsynet do an important job. The responsibility for the quality in the Norwegian child welfare and confidence in the services located in the municipality of Norway, in fylkesnemndene and the courts, as well as in Bufetat and the Directorate.

Helsetilsynet have the right when they point out that it committed error, and that it sometimes takes a long time to fix the errors that are identified. However, I can not see that there is adequate documentation for a part of the conclusions Helsetilsynet draws in his report.

When Helsetilsynet in this the report claims that all the reports and reviews that are to come, displays the failure, and that the same type of error recur in report after report, it bastante conclusions that are not justified or documented.

As fagdirektorat for the municipal child welfare service and etatsstyrer for child welfare institutions to follow, we errors and defects pointed out. We take all reports with the utmost seriousness and do what we can to ensure that children and young people receive evidence-based and good help when they need it.

Supervision of barnevernets tasks is an important instrument to ensure the rule of law and quality. Child welfare institutions differs especially in that they are required by law to have mandatory supervision.

the County governor shall oversee each and every department and all omsorgsinstitusjoner two times a year. Four times a year to be supervised with acute and behandlingsinstitusjonene. Half of the supervisors shall be unannounced. In 2019 were conducted 845 supervision in institusjonsbarnevernet.

In the 19 percent of supervisors , it was revealed offences. It is about everything from missing documents to more serious conditions.

Now turn Helsetilsynet barnevernsalarm

Every offence is one too much and they will be corrected. At the same time it may not surprise some that, with so many attention, more than 5000 employees, and many complicated issues, errors and defects.

This is about children and young people , many of them with a baggage so heavy that those who haven't seen it up close, barely able to imagine what should be repaired and put on the right track. Unfortunately there are no simple solutions. We need to find solutions based on the best we have of knowledge, and adapted to the individual's very specific needs.

In more and more areas documented a positive development in the Norwegian child welfare. In 2017, it lacked half of the country's municipalities, a proper akuttilbud. In 2019 this is in place in 95 per cent of the municipalities.

There are fewer fristbrudd in municipalities now than before. In the institutions going use of forced down. It is the result of systematic work with coercion and participation. The number of fagstillinger in the municipal child welfare service continues to increase, and the work of the government adopted kompetansestrategi is started. These are some of the many examples that we are on the right path.

Restructuring is not new for child protection. In 2004, all child welfare institutions and fosterhjemstjenester transferred from the county to the state. In 2014 it was introduced forsvarlighetskrav in the child welfare and the Directorate got the role of fagdirektorat for both municipal and state child welfare. In 2017 was barnevernsreformen adopted by the Parliament.

With the reform the municipalities ' responsibility for child protection is strengthened, the tasks of the state child welfare clarified and several measures to strengthen the quality and competence of child welfare. The reform will take effect in 2022.

the Government has also recently submitted for consultation a proposal for a comprehensive kompetansereform, and a new Barnevernslov is on the stairs.

I cheer on a board of health which makes his job as a reviewer to point out errors and omissions. I acknowledge that not everything is on the care, and I acknowledge our share of responsibility. But we know us again in the repeated gloomy description of the Norwegian child welfare that Helsetilsynet, and in particular in the article in the Newspaper 12. June.

I commend all of the employees who essentially make a solid effort for the 55 000 children and young people in contact with child welfare authorities every year.

I ask me rejected the proposal in the report from Helsetilsynet that "the more radical the grip must be considered in order to raise the quality to an acceptable level". Furthermore, it is difficult to understand that Helsetilsynet in the Newspaper poses the question: "if the planned measures are sufficient or whether it needs stronger stooped to".

This undermines the many processes that are in progress, and I see no analysis in the report that shows why the planned measures are not working. I want to give the government and the Storting's decision a chance before a major reorganization to be implemented.

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