Blessed by god and hvermann


5 children's audio books that rescues the summer Apparently so everything in its perfect order in Vladimir Putin's Russia. The referendum on the new consti

5 children's audio books that rescues the summer

Apparently so everything in its perfect order in Vladimir Putin's Russia. The referendum on the new constitution, ended on Wednesday, gave an overwhelming majority of 78 per cent for legislative changes, and 65 percent of the voters voted. Both the majority and the voter turnout is of solid putinsk standard. The result be correct enough of more reports of electoral fraud from the independent election. Putin's dancing with the voters was still - after standard in his time - even once successful.

Holiday-in-Wonderland Comment

main with the result of the referendum, however, is that Putin can rule for another 12 years after 2024, when the current term runs out. The purpose of the new constitution is that it "resets" Putin, and that he can apply for also about four years. If he sits in both the periods after 2024, so he will be 83 years old when he goes off in 2036. Then he will have ruled Russia for 36 years, five years longer than Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet union.

The other points in the referendum tells us what kind of Russia he will leave behind. It will be an ideological reactionary society in which both god, minimum wage, indeksregulert pension, and homophobia is written into the constitution. Little and large. Odds and ends. Therefore, the support in the referendum on 78 per cent, considerably greater than Putin's popularity would indicate. He now has a personal approval rating at historic low of 59 per cent.

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But who in a very socially conservative society with widespread corruption and uncertain economic future can say no to the salad of our lord, the guaranteed minimum wage, a pension that is not being eaten up by inflation, and homophobia? The 22 percent of voters. Support for Putin had sukres at this crossroad. However, it is to talk about only mild putinsk manipulation.

new constitution refers thus to the "belief in God", which is unusual in a new-written grunnlovs-text in 2020. But there is also something else that is closest to the ethereal and celestial with the new constitution's origination. For the prophet, the notifier about the new time, was none other than the first woman in space, hero of the Soviet union, cosmonaut Valentina Teresjkova. For it was she who in the national assembly, the state duma, proposed that will give Putin almost eternal political life. Teresjkova is the representative in the state duma for Putin's party, United Russia. And her star now shines also on earth.

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new constitution provides a clear ideological direction. It differs from the old in that it states that it is above international laws and treaties. This means, among other things, that the judge in The european court of human rights will not be binding for Russia. It is a disaster for menneskerettighetsarbeidet in Putin's kingdom.

new constitution states that marriage is between woman and man, and precludes thus the marriage between couples of the same sex. It is already so that gays can't adopt children. Homo-the enemy attitude is part of the putinske social conservative - even reactionary - program. Now, it is also grunnlovsfestet. Together with the belief in "God" is the anti-homo attitudes a part of the anti-liberal, anti-western positions as Putin rides high and ideologically. This was the sugar cubes to the people in the referendum.

One system - two worlds Comment

It was also the social policy proposal with a guaranteed minimum wage and indeksregulert pension. But how Putin will manage to keep these promises is far from clear. Russia's economy is Putin's achilles ' heel. The economy has effectively been no growth since 2014, when the sanctions due to the annexation of Crimea and Russia's support for rebels in Eastern Ukraine began. In years expected the economy to shrink five percent because of coronaen, sign business magazine Forbes. Putin has let the state take control of large parts of the economy, and clutching on this model, even if economists tell him that the reforms, and the opening of the economy, will provide greater growth.

But a grep by this week's referendum is prudent, as seen from Putin's point of view. With the prospect that Putin can sit right up to 2036, as he has now ended any speculation about what will happen "after Putin", and who are positioning themselves and possibly will be his successor. If he does not get sick, and then he sits in the political is the "eternal time". It satisfies the before anything else characterizes the way Putin will control. Where the desire for stability, peace, and order, dominates.

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