Agreement on unemployment insurance: what will change for the unemployed


compensation Period, calculation of the allowance... The new convention profoundly changes the rules for job seekers. If the seniors lose, some managers earn.

compensation Period, calculation of the allowance... The new convention profoundly changes the rules for job seekers. If the seniors lose, some managers earn.

This 4 may, the minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri has validated the unemployment insurance agreement, a result of the negotiation between employers and trade unions on 28 march. Only the SGC had refused to sign the agreement.

The text should appear in the official Journal in a few days. The new agreement, with new rules comes into force in the autumn for three years.

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It is a source of profound changes that will affect the daily lives of job seekers as of 1 November. Only the unemployed registering with the employment as of that date will be affected. As a reminder, the 3.5 million persons were indemnified by the Unédic in 2016. The contribution increase will take effect on the 1st of October.

Here are the four major changes to remember.

1. Decrease of the duration of insurance for seniors

today, any person over the age of 50 who registers with Pôle emploi after losing her job in the "industry seniors". She has 36 months of compensation, if the deceased contributed sufficiently. It is a year longer than the other job seekers, who receive assistance to return to employment (ARE) for up to 24 months maximum.

• What will change. The Medef had long wanted to revisit this terminal age of 50 years, considering that it does not "corresponds more to the reality of the labour market" and to the recent reforms of the pension system. Objective partially met: the agreement reverses the entry in the "supply chain senior" at 55 years old.

In detail, the older workers aged 50 to 52 years (to the end date of their contract of employment) will be compensated for up to 24 months maximum. If they wish to use their personal account of training (CPF) to form during this period and have a specific project, their CPF will be increased to 500 hours.

people between 53 and 54 years of age (as of the end date of their contract of employment) will be compensated for up to 30 months. If they wish to use their personal account of training (CPF) to be formed during this period and have a specific project, their CPF will be increased to 500 hours. If they start a training for the duration of their compensation, the latter will be extended for an additional six months.

Finally, for people 55 years and older, the compensation period will be 36 months.

• Who is affected? 554.500 seniors over the age of 50 have received an allocation in June 2016. The exact number of people affected by this change of limit of age has not yet been clearly established by the Unédic.

2. Relaxation of the rules of the deferred (for frames)

The people who are made redundant or with a rupture conventionnelle receive compensation for loss of wages. But if the employee receives compensation in excess of the legal minimum (because the convention allows it, or because it has well-negotiated), it does not touch immediately, his allowance of return to employment (ARE). This is what we call the deferred compensation. These allowances are called supra-legal, are divided by the number of days (currently, this divisor is 90) to obtain the waiting time before being compensated by the Pôle emploi. In some cases, this deferred up to 180 days, or nearly six months.

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• What will change. The agreement lowers the ceiling of the deferred from 180 to 150 days. It is, therefore, a month of earned for those who may be facing this situation.

• Who is affected? According to the CFE-CGC union, which has greatly pushed for this measure, 46% of the executives are affected by the phenomenon of delayed. According to the figures of Unédic, in 2016 of between 11 000 and 12 000 people per quarter have experienced a situation of delayed more than 75 days.

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3. The best for precarious workers

to qualify For unemployment insurance, you must have worked at least 610 hours or 122 calendar days in on the 28 last month.

• What will change. The board has attempted, during the negotiations, to review these rules to harden. Finally, it is nothing. On the contrary, the draft agreement is more flexible for people who work few hours per week and tying contracts are very short. Now, the criterion will be 610 hours, or 88 working days "worked."

• Who is affected? According to the estimates provided by the social partners, 34.000 additional people will be able to return to the bosom of unemployment insurance with these new rules. And 102.000 people would be compensated more quickly.

4. A computation allocation is more favorable to the contracts long

The amount of the unemployment allowance paid to chathat job seeker is based on a daily value. To determine it, it is necessary to establish the daily wage of reference (SJR). This calculation formula is to divide the reference salary by the number of days worked in a given period. But a subtlety hidden in this division. In effect, the holders of contracts long are disadvantaged because the calculation takes into account all the days of the contracts, including the weekends and days of rest, which, mechanically decrease in the SJR. On the contrary, some people wrapping the contracts are very short, a week can therefore, to equal pay, to get more money.

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• What will change. The new agreement has revised the calculation formula of the SJR to take into account now that the days actually worked.

• Who is affected? According to the Unédic, 14% of the beneficiaries of the unemployment allowance will lose a little. Among them, 11% will experience a decrease ranging from 1% to 5% of the amount of their compensation.

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