A assertion from the Store


So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses Støres "undressing" of the Right is a thirteenth initiatives, there is political spin. The rhetoric

So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses Støres "undressing" of the Right is a thirteenth initiatives, there is political spin. The rhetoric seems limiting and weakens the voters ' understanding of politics. It is a pity because it makes the public conversation poorer. The rhetorical instruments fail, they are repetitive and boring, not a vigorous and enlightening.

the Crisis has stripped the Right

Støre must as director of at times Norway's largest party, stay for the good of senseless attacks without substance, but have the courage to discuss the various political solutions.

the Strategy is small inspiring for us ordinary citizens, we also nyskodde in politics, not røktet of kommunikasjonsrådgivere.

No, we are in the Right is not to drain the hospitals, we are for free behandlingsvalg that we believe will more quickly reduce the helsekøene. We are also not to take from the taxi drivers would their jobs through "frislipp in the industry", we are for increased competition because we believe competition in the large and whole is good.

To drag the conclusion that it is the high death toll in Sweden because there are several eldrehjem operated in the private direction, and thereby obviously is worse, is over. Are we to understand the Store right, it is simply dangerous to stay at the privately run nursing home. You can die from it.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError MIXED: the Government took NRK Super its danseutfordring in stride, and dancing 17. may-the dance. Video: Government/CNN. Show more

to turn it fast, all in the Uk, rubbel and bit relative to other countries, is for a big and strong welfare state. And in this crisis we have been blessed with a powerful Oljefond which the state now have been able to use to help businesses and individuals in the aftermath of the coronakrisen. There has been a broad political consensus that one should do.

It is not an undressing of the Right, and the other bourgeois parties, which shows that when it comes to the piece, it is only the social democratic toolbox that good.

This has the plague taught us the Comment

the Left has not all rights reserved on the community, and the Labour party has not single-handedly carved out of the welfare state. Our answer is simply that the state can't be everything to everyone all the time.

the State is not the only community we have, we are in the Right actually believe in several types of community in the family, religious communities and in volunteering provides. We also believe in the private initiative, the individual's contribution if you get the opportunity to do so.

Storytelling to the Store is incorrect, there is no contradiction between a strong, central government, the community and the individual and the individual's choices and opportunities.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError BUDGET: - You can't selectively just take out some parameters, " says prime minister Erna Solberg, after that it is on Tuesday 12. may presented the revised national budget. Video: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more

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