We can consider rejecting the unemployment benefit reform if it implies a cut in the contributions of those over 52 years of age


Demand that the Government eliminate this measure from the decree law.

Demand that the Government eliminate this measure from the decree law


We can consider rejecting the decree law to reform unemployment benefits if the progressive reduction in pension contributions for those over 52 years of age who receive this benefit is not eliminated.

Sources from the purple party have indicated to Europa Press that, ahead of next week's vote in Congress, they demand that the Government eliminate this change, which they consider a "cut" in retirement pensions for those over 52 years of age who they perceive this help.

The decree approved in the Council of Ministers for the reform of the unemployment benefit maintains, in the case of those over 52 years of age, the aid at 80% of the Iprem or 480 euros. But the reform will progressively lower the retirement contribution base, which will be 120% in 2024; 115% in 2025; 110% in 2026 and 105% in 2027. If the aid is granted before June 1, 2024, the contribution base will continue to be 125%.

The formation led by Ione Belarra considers the Executive's decision to reduce the contribution base of these subsidy recipients to be of "utmost seriousness", which translates into a "strong cut" of their future retirement pensions.

What's more, the same sources emphasize that for a 52-year-old worker who had received the average Spanish salary during his professional career, had 22 years of contributions and received the subsidy until his retirement, the Government's decision implies reducing his pension by 162 euros per year. month, that is, 2,268 euros per year.

Podemos details that it has already transmitted to the Executive its rejection of this cut, which appears in the third transitional provision of the decree law, promoted by the Ministry of Labor led by Yolanda Díaz, and about which unions and pensioner groups such as Coespe have already warned. .

The purple party, which has maintained contacts with the affected groups in recent weeks, considers it "unacceptable" that a particularly vulnerable group sees its future pensions reduced "covertly", and reiterates its commitment to the public pension system and to the purchasing power of pensioners. Therefore, consider voting against if this measure persists.

The first plenary session of Congress of 2024 will debate and vote next Wednesday, January 10, on the decrees for the reform of unemployment benefits and measures to address the consequences of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

This extraordinary plenary session - January is a non-working month for parliamentary purposes - will be held at the Senate headquarters, since the Congress chamber will be under construction throughout the month of January due to the installation of new touch screens in the seats.

The two decrees have already come into force with their publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE) and it is now Congress that has to validate or repeal them.

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