The PNV would win in votes although it would tie in seats with EH Bildu, with between 26 and 28 parliamentarians, according to EITB


PSE could win two representatives and add 12, the PP would get 7, one more, E- Podemos between 1 and 2, Sumar between 0 and 2 and Vox would lose its seat.

PSE could win two representatives and add 12, the PP would get 7, one more, E- Podemos between 1 and 2, Sumar between 0 and 2 and Vox would lose its seat


The PNV would win the elections to the Basque Parliament, with 35.7% of the votes, although it would tie in seats with EH Bildu, with a range of between 26 and 28 parliamentarians, and would achieve support 2.8 points higher than that of the coalition sovereignist, with 32.9% of the total vote, according to the Gizaker survey for EITB, La Forta and RTVE.

The Jeltzales would lose between three and five representatives compared to the 2020 elections, in which they obtained 31 seats and 39.1% of the votes in the Basque Chamber, while EH Bildu - which obtained 21 parliamentarians and 27, 9% of the vote-- would get between five and seven more.

For its part, the PSE-EE, with 14.3% of support (compared to 13.7% four years ago), would maintain its 10 seats in the Basque Chamber or increase by two, to 12, and the PP would get 7, one more, with 8.4% of the ballots, compared to 6.8% in 2020.

Meanwhile, E- Podemos, which to date had six parliamentarians, would obtain between 1 and 2 seats with 3.6% of the ballots, 4.5 points less, Sumar between 0 and 2, with 2.6%, and Vox would lose its seat with 1.6% of the vote (2.0% in 2020), according to the survey carried out by Gizaker for EiTB at the close of the polling stations.

With these data, PNV and PSE-EE would be, in the worst case, two seats short of the absolute majority in the Basque Parliament with 36, and would achieve 40 if the best forecasts come true.

The survey was carried out through 3,608 surveys carried out between Monday, April 15 and until this Sunday morning.

In Álava, EH Bildu would win the elections, with 30.9% of the votes that would give it between 8 and 9 seats, when in the elections four years ago it obtained 6 representatives, with 24.9% of the votes.

With this result, the Abertzale coalition would unseat the PNV in this territory, which would obtain between 7 and 8 parliamentarians, with 27.3% of the ballots, compared to the current 9 that it achieved four years ago with 32.2% of the votes. votes.

The PP would go from 3 parliamentarians to 4, with 15.5% of the votes, so that it would have a higher percentage of votes than the PSE-EE, which would obtain 15.4%, but the same seats, 4. The socialists They currently have 4 parliamentarians obtained in 2020 with 15.6% of the votes.

Elkarrekin Podemos would achieve a 3.6% percentage of votes and will obtain between 0 and 1 parliamentarian, compared to the 2 it obtained in the 2020 Basque elections with 8.1% of the total votes.

Sumar, with a 3.3% percentage of votes, could get between 0 and 1 seats and enter the Basque Parliament, while Vox, with 2.6% of the votes, would be left without the current parliamentarian that it obtained in the previous elections with 3.8% of the votes.

In Bizkaia, the PNV would win the elections with 11 seats, one less than four years ago, with 40.3% of the votes, below the 42.6% obtained in 2020. For its part, EH Bildu would be second strength with seven or eight seats compared to six in the last election, obtaining 29% of the votes, almost five points above the results of the previous election (23.9%).

For its part, the PSE-EE would remain as the third force and, according to the survey, it would retain its current three seats or gain one more to four, with 14.1% of the votes, surpassing the support of four years ago (13, 6%).

The PP would become the fourth force and would retain its current two seats by achieving 8% of the votes, around one point more than four years ago (6.9%).

Elkarrekin Podemos Green Alliance is relegated to fifth place and would lose one seat to keep another, with 3.9% of the votes, a percentage clearly below that obtained in 2020 (8.6%), when Podemos ran with Ezker Anitza-IU.

On this occasion, Ezker Anitza appears in the coalition that makes up Sumar, which would not achieve representation in Bizkaia, with 1.9% of the votes. Vox would not obtain parliamentarians either, with 2.1 of the votes.

In Gipuzkoa, EH Bildu would be the first force, with a 40.1% percentage of votes that would give it 11 seats, 2 more than in the 2020 elections, when it had 35.3% of the votes.

With this result, the nationalist coalition would also unseat the PNV as the leading force in Gipuzkoa. The Jeltzales would obtain between and 8 parliamentarians, with 31.8% of the ballots, compared to the current 10 that they achieved with 36.4% of the votes in 2020.

The PSE-EE would remain the third force, with 14.2% of the votes and between 3 and 4 parliamentarians, when in the previous Basque elections it had 12.9% of the ballots and 3 representatives.

The PP would maintain its parliament, with 5.8% of the vote percentage, higher than the 4.7% it achieved in 2020, while Sumar, with a 3.4% vote percentage, could get between 0 and 1 representative .

Elkarrekin Podemos, with a 3.2% percentage of votes, compared to 7.2% four years ago, would be left without representation in this territory and Vox, with 0.3% of votes (1.3% in 2020 ) would not have representatives either.

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