Sánchez assures that including Junts or ERC in the governance of Spain strengthens democracy


'Operation Catalunya': if the popular people were in the Government "they would do it again".

'Operation Catalunya': if the popular people were in the Government "they would do it again"


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has assured that incorporating Junts or ERC to contribute to the governability of Spain makes its "democracy stronger."

He highlighted that there is "a large majority of Catalan society, whether pro-independence or not, that wants the pro-independence forces to support the governability of Spain", and added that this is something that pro-independence supporters must take into account, in an interview with 'La Vanguardia' collected by Europa Press this Sunday.

Sánchez has celebrated that "all political actors are inside", stating that this situation implies, according to him, a more complete and legitimate democracy.

"We all have to learn from what happened in 2017 and I am convinced that the independence movement has done so," said the leader of the Executive about coexistence, which he has defended as one of the Government's objectives along with job creation. and the expansion of rights.

Sánchez has argued that he has changed his position on the amnesty because "there has been a clear commitment to coexistence."

He has acknowledged that when the measure is approved he will meet with the former president of the Generalitat and MEP of Junts, Carles Puigdemont, and with the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, in what he has considered as "a consistent and coherent act with this transcendent step that democracy gives".

However, when asked if he could change his mind with a referendum in Catalonia, Sánchez asserted that "whatever raises binary questions about whether one is Catalan or Spanish breaks coexistence" and said that this is contrary to the line of action of the socialists.

When asked about 'Operation Catalunya', Sánchez considered that if the Popular Party were in the Government "they would do it again."

He has criticized that the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has not commented on this case, pointing out that it implies "the lack of autonomy of the leader of the PP."

"We have changed the dirty war in the hands of Mariano Rajoy for clean politics. And we have to wonder about the thunderous silences of the PP, which neither stands out nor condemns these actions," he added.

Sánchez has criticized the existence of a "'fachosphere' that what it does is polarize, insult, generate distrust with a clear purpose."

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