ZNet: IOTA opened TestNet without coordinator


the IOTA launches its first TestNet without a coordinator. With ZNet, the Tangle is back, the basic technology of the IOTA network, a step further in the decen

the IOTA launches its first TestNet without a coordinator. With ZNet, the Tangle is back, the basic technology of the IOTA network, a step further in the decentralization. An important step for the network.

By Phillip Horch 6. March 2019BTC$3.854,04 -0.16%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

In contrast to Bitcoin, which is based on a Blockchain, building IOTA on the Tangle, a directed acyclic graph. This "tangle" (e) coordinators, the purpose is to protect the network. Accordingly, it is official:

in Order to let the network grow and to protect it from certain attacks, IOTA is currently a coordinator. The coordinator checks for valid transactions and validate then the entire network. [He] is led by the IOTA Foundation in a multi-signature. The coordinator may not be rogue, because the entire network is checked and validated. [The same] are periodic milestones that relate to valid transactions. In the Mainnet these milestones will be spent every minute.

These milestones require the Use of the coordinators. This is to say good-bye soon.

No coordinator, no problems?

The coordinator serves as the Central Validator. He decides whether or not the respective transactions are valid or whether they arise from the attempt of a Double-spending. Since this coordinator contributes to the IOTA network, however, the accusation of centralisation, this is to disappear gradually from the Tangle. The IOTA Foundation has now released a TestNet, without these. This means that IOTA's aim is a completely decentralized network present. It is said in the statement to the coordinator:

This [the coordinator] serves as a protection mechanism, during the IOTA network is growing in the direction of the required participation, which is needed in order to make the network in a decentralized manner 100 percent safe to use. There, the Distributed consensus mechanism of the Tangle comes into play.

And this will do without in the future the coordinator. First of all, however, ZNet, so the test environment for the non (of coordinators) supervised the validation of the IOTA-Tangle. Users are encouraged to test this in detail. By running a CLIRI-Node and the IOTA Team is here any improvement suggestions.

Dominik Schiener this exclusive to BTC-ECHO:

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We focus at the Moment is very strong, to make IOTA ready for the market action. The Coordinators Remove, of course, is one of the most important initiatives, where we are currently working on the implementation of our concept. ZNet (Coordinator-less Testnet) is an implementation of the original Tangle White Paper and is the first step to involve our Community in our Research actively.

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